The Giant Builders

Miriam Campbell is a Speech Therapist, Social Worker, Teacher and mom

Miriam Campbell is a Speech Therapist, Social Worker, Teacher and mom who supports therapists, teachers and parents in helping their kids develop ‘Skills for Connection’. She utilizes a holistic language, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and PRACTICAL approach to integrating skill development for children. She provides therapist and parent cohorts as well as school-wide professional development in SEL RTI and is available for 1:1 coaching as well. Her debut novel, Bubble Double: visualizing social skills for connection, serves as the framework of her social skills curriculum.  Always passionate about connection. I wanted to teach children and adults the concrete skills that they could use to support connection. I wanted it to be a joyful and loving experience, not burdensome for adults or punitive feeling for kids. I wanted the indescribable experience of connecting with an ‘other’ to be something that all kids can experience and understand. She can be reached at
-half session:
-full session:
Parents Group Whatsapp Link:
Free Summer Emotional Regulation Series:
Skills for Connection Worksheets:
Social Skills Book:
Independent 6 Hour Trainings includes 1 hour consultation: $300

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