The Giant Builders

The Beginning of The Giant Builders

Building spirituality, family, health, and business. This is the giant builders with Lois Wyant. 

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Hello, welcome to the giant builders. I am Lois I am your host, I am very excited to have you here. This is a new project for me and I think we’re going to learn a lot together and just experience life together. So one thing I do assure you is that you’re going to get the real me, the tousled hair, the casual clothes, the chipped nail polish, I’m a real person and you’re gonna see the real me. I’m going to be very open with you and share some experiences together. 

We’re going to look at the four pillars of life and grow together with those. So the four pillars of life would be your business, whether you work for somebody or you have your own business or wish to start your own business, your family, your spirituality, and your health. So those are the four areas that will always be targeted on each episode will focus on a particular pillar. 

But for now, I just want to get to know you, let you get to know me. So why the giant builders? I feel that in my life I have had opportunities to build multiple giants. So in business, my husband, in church, leading life groups and Sunday school, at home, our Children. So I feel like I’ve been participating in helping build giants throughout my life and so now it’s time to, I guess you say build my giant and I want to help you build your giant, so your giant might be you, it might be your Children, it might be your husband, it might be your business. 

So let’s talk about what your giant is. So if I read the dictionary term a giant, it will say a person or thing of unusually great size, power, importance et cetera. A major figure legend in that definition the one point that stands out to me is important. So there are very many important things in our lives and we just have to figure out how to juggle them.

And this all came to a perspective for me as since we were in winter in Indiana and it seems like it lasts for a long time. Plus putting that with some quarantine in effect. Then my husband and I put some puzzles together. And we actually worked on three puzzles and each puzzle was difficult in its own fashion.

So the first puzzle was really hard because it was 2000 pieces. The second puzzle was 500 pieces. But it was really hard because usually in a puzzle, all the pieces are the same size. Well this puzzle, all the pieces are different sizes. So if you’re looking at the puzzle and you’re like okay that one has two bumps and one inside. It may not be a piece that has two bumps and one inside. It might be a piece that was one bump, and the inside part is on another piece.  So it was just really hard because the pieces were so different. And the third puzzle was hard because it was also 500 pieces. But it was, it was hard because multiple pieces were the same shape. So you had to really pay attention to the colors and the design and how they work together. And even towards the end of the puzzle, we found out that we had to edge pieces switched because they looked like they fit together because they were leaves and they looked like they went together, but none of the other pieces would go together. We were down to like 20 pieces and nothing else fit together because these two pieces were in the wrong place. And so we had to switch those pieces to finish the puzzle. 

So my question to you is which puzzle does your life feel like right now, Do you feel like there are just too many pieces? It’s just hard to put your life together because there are just so many pieces sitting out in front of you and you just aren’t sure where to start.  Are your pieces just a lot of different shapes? So it’s hard to tell where they go together or in your life puzzle.   Are there pieces that are looking the same and you have to figure out why the colors and the situations which piece goes where. So I hope that through our journey together that no matter which puzzle your life is in, you may finish this puzzle and you may go into another puzzle that is a completely different situation. I hope that together we can work your puzzle out. 

Let me share a little bit about myself, I’m a Christian, a wife, mother and GG, so I really feel that it’s in that order of importance for me. The number one thing is to continuously build my relationship with my Lord and Savior. The second most important is to continually build my relationship with my husband and then, even though our Children are all grown up, I want to be there for them and I want to be there to help shape our grandchildren and then also I’m a business owner and I think that if you focus on your important items, your other items fall in place, just like trying to put this first episode together. So many challenges came up, I mean I had multiple puzzle pieces dropped on my plate and I just couldn’t get to it, it was really hard, but now that I’m here sitting in front of you, I’m really excited to be here and I want to share with you some of my ideas that are going through my head as to what we want to do. 

I hope to bring to you some great speakers, some great presenters that will share wisdom to you on your four pillars, your spiritual, your health, your family, and your business, my goal is to help you grow in different ideas as far as ideas on how to share with your children, ideas on how to build up your husband, ideas on what to do for your business or how to add to your business, but also ideas on how to take care of yourself. You’ve got to take care of yourself and love yourself as well. 

I do enjoy reading and I do want to share with you some of the great books that I have learned from. It might help you grow and will help you learn and we might even have some authors join us so that will be fun. 

I also want to do some giveaways on some of the episodes, I’ll share with you what that giveaway will be. You’ll have until the day before the next episode to enter for that drawing. So make sure you listen to the episodes towards the end. So you know what that particular drawing would be. I don’t know that we can do a drawing every week but please watch for those drawings. 

I hope that you’ll follow us on Youtube, the podcast channel and also on Facebook will have a private Facebook group in which case you may have noticed our logo of the construction person, every person who joins our Facebook group. I will personally make sure that you get your picture in a construction person. So it can either be you or it could be your grandchild or whoever you see as the giant that you’re building. Hopefully, it’s also yourself. 

I hope you’ll join us every Tuesday at 2:00 for our new episode. I look forward to seeing how this project grows, what we learn together. We’ll be looking back one year from now and going oh my goodness, look how much we’ve changed, and looks how much we’ve grown or look what we’ve done to build our own giants. 

So we’ll see you next Tuesday at 2:00. Thank you for listening. 

This has been the giant builders with Lois Wyant

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